The Sleeping Sands

You looking for work? The pay is good for those with 'flexible' morals.

Est'd. 2017

Would you pray before you twist the knife?
Would you take my hand and take a life?

The Cartel

An Ul'dahn based drug cartel specializing in the distribution of somnus.

The Gilded Clover

An exclusive night club run by the cartel.

Rules and OOC info

<Sands> is a lore-adhering RP community currently looking for a few more members to join us in our plots and events. Since our roleplay features dark/criminal themes, we are only accepting members age 18 or older.

Applying to <Sands>

Interested to find out if you are our fit and we are yours? Apply to <Sands> right here today!

The Sleeping Sands

The cartel is headed by Rhiannon Wynter, a Hyur that took over and renamed the operation after her debt-ridden boss disappeared. She still owes a debt for the house to the mysterious organization that her predecessor was in league with. With the weight of that debt on her shoulders Rhiannon is highly motivated to build her little somnus producing and distributing operation into as big and lucrative an endeavor as it can be. She's actively looking to hire skilled people who can get the job done with no questions asked.Positions the cartel is actively looking to fill include:smugglers; anyone skilled in getting goods in and out of cities without being scrutinized by the authorities.muscle; always useful, always needed. Rhiannon will hire on anyone that can use a weapon (or their fists) effectively and is willing to turn a blind eye and have sealed lips when it comes to whatever they are asked to employ those skills towards. She needs plenty of bodyguards and debt collectors; the latter of which would visit those the cartel has done business with and hasn't paid up their tabs. Physical coercion in the form of broken knee caps or chopped off fingers may be needed.alchemists; those skilled specifically in the production of somnus and/or any other illicit substance that can turn a profit.healers; the cartel prefers to deal with any injuries to their members without taking them to outside sources for healing. Less questions asked that way.machinists/tinkerers/blacksmiths; anyone with the ability to repair or make weapons.bartenders and waitstaff; the Gilded Clover is always in need of staff, though people who fill these roles might find they are not included in the darker dealings of the cartel until they have proven they know how to keep secrets.Even if what your character does is not listed here the cartel can find a use for almost any character that is willing to get their hands dirty.Known leadership of the cartel is as follows:
- Rhiannon Wynter, boss
- Kisz'a Vhekharu, underboss
- Elosia Oswell, captain
- Val Warwick, captain
New recruits start off as associates, and then become crew after two weeks of IRL time. After that the only way to advance within the cartel is through RP with the leadership. If they gain the respect of a captain that person can vouch for them, allowing the crew member to become 'trusted', and then eventually 'blooded'.

The Gilded Clover

Nestled in the Goblet lies an exclusive, jazzy night club that offers fine dining, an even finer wine and spirits selection, and above all else - privacy. The privacy needed to conduct clandestine business meetings. There is a stage and a piano for the occasional performance, and plenty of seating areas where the city's underground network of criminals can meet and discuss without worrying about any prying eyes and ears while they enjoy the amenities.Rhiannon uses it as a place to schmooze those she wishes to work with, but the Gilded Clover opens its doors to the general public on some nights. These nights are always filled with plenty of entertainment, such as musical performances, and usually done when the cartel is in need of casting a wider net to bring in potential buyers.

Rules & Requirements

1. Out of Character (OOC)
- 1.1 Consent is everything. If you think something is questionable, ask first or don't do it.
- 1.2 Be mature and respectful toward other members of the Final Fantasy XIV community. This includes but is not limited to; OOC interactions during roleplay, or while running in-game content. We do not tolerate members who practice griefing, or cause wide scale dramas frequently in public Discords. We have a non-drama reputation to uphold, and retain the right to remove members that break this rule.- 1.3 Do not use slurs. Do not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual identity, gender identity, etc. If any slurs of these are used or we find out later a member has used them, or otherwise discriminate against a person based on these, we will remove said member from our ranks, effective immediately. We have a zero tolerance policy for discrimination.- 1.4 Both you and your character must be over the age of 18. This free-company is 18+ only. Our plots will involve 'dark' themes. This means you need to be prepared to face roleplay and out of character discussion involving topics that you might see in an R-rated movie. We do not allow underaged players or characters in the free-company, nor do we allow any underaged sexual themes in or out of the FC by our members. We will immediately remove anyone practicing this particular theme from our ranks, and we will file a report to Final Fantasy XIV staff.- 1.5 All Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content is strictly moderated. As an 18+ free-company, we believe in sex positivity and we have a Not Safe for Work (NSFW) channel in our Discord. However, NSFW material is only allowed in that channel. Posts may be removed if viewed as offensive or dangerous for either the health of this server or its members. Please follow Discord's Terms of Service while posting anything. Personal nudity, or ‘nudes’, is not allowed. Underage themes are not allowed, and NSFW content of lalafell is not allowed.- 1.6 Keep the Discord neat. Each channel has its purposes, so please read the information on them, and follow their rules before posting, i.e. there shouldn’t be general chatter in character profiles or music links spam in screenshots.- 1.7 We do not have a revolving door. We understand and support taking breaks or stepping away from roleplay and from games, and if you choose to leave you are always welcome to talk with a moderator and reapply. That said, we do not tolerate leaving and coming back on a whim, or continuously leaving and coming back for whatever reason. We retain the right to refuse a request to come back if you left on bad terms or have repeated the same behavior too often. We are a mature community, and thus expect mature behavior from our members. This includes taking accountability, not causing inconvenience to others, and respecting the time of other members and staff.2. In-Character (IC)
- 2.1 We are a lore-strict free-company. In summary; if it conflicts with the game's lore, then we don't do it. This includes but is not limited to potential lore continuity errors which may occur by lore-bending or lore-extension by a member. Don't invent lore, don't combine XIV lore with the lore of other games, don't combine things that are lore-abiding in a way that is not lore-abiding.
- 2.2 While we are a lore-strict free-company, we do not moderate what our members choose to engage with in their free time. That said, if you are writing explicitly lore-breaking material outside of the free-company, for example, if your character is secretly dating a non-player character (NPC), we will have a discussion with you, and we retain the right to remove anyone who does not abide by basic lore adherence. Outside our free-company roleplay, such as dealing with players that lore-break or bend; we encourage filtering these themes either by entirely disengaging the roleplay, or finding reasons in-character why your character doesn’t see or hear it, or assumes the claims are lies. Do not bring these themes to the free-company or other members of the free-company to deal with.- 2.3 Sands is not recruiting: voidsent, 'futa' or other fetish characters, primals, underaged characters, canonic NPC characters, Warriors of Light (Echo bearers), ERP-focused characters, high-powered characters, aether corrupted or elemental aether aspected characters(this includes but is not limited to strange colors and scents, as anything other than normal aether mutates painfully and kills, given that it is used as a torture method by the Sahagin), and in general any type of character that can't be found in the current game world. We do allow beast tribe characters only if they are played realistically within the game’s current lore, which may leave them excluded from entering certain areas.- 2.4 When writing characters with mental conditions and illnesses we expect them to be represented in a realistic and respectful light within the game's setting. Please, do your research. We do not cherry-pick traits of conditions and twist them to fit a narrative, nor to justify character actions with these themes. Each action will have in-character consequences, so we expect the player not to be surprised when or if other characters aren’t completely fine with their character anymore in-character.- 2.5 Whatever skills your character knows have to fit in with the lore, such as when, how, and where they learned them, and how long it took them to learn. Some things are only available from certain places and certain people, so you need to do research and incorporate that into your backstory, without it being too far reaching or turning your character into some sort of last survivor and practitioner of a secret, long lost art. Make it make sense, but keep it within our low-power scope, please.3. Roleplay.
- 3.1 Again, consent is key. All members are allowed and encouraged to decline scenes if they choose. Be sure that you are communicating with your fellow writers.
- 3.2 Godmoding: Forcing an action for another character without that player’s consent is not allowed. Nobody has to roleplay themes they are uncomfortable with, or has to be subjected to someone’s attempt to murder or maim their characters for a personal power trip.- 3.3 Metagaming: Using out of character knowledge about the scene or another character to determine your character’s actions when they would not have that knowledge in-character is not allowed. Do not bleed your awareness into your character’s awareness, as these should be separate. Always ask yourself if your character's reasoning makes sense in-character.- 3.4 Please be prepared to use proper grammar and syntax, and be prepared to write multiple paragraph posts. As a standard, our members provide posts that are at least one paragraph in length. Mistakes and misspellings happen, and that’s completely fine! Everyone makes mistakes, all we expect is that you are trying.- 3.5 For storytelling purposes, our characters all have flaws as well as virtues. No character should feel ‘overpowered’ or unreasonable to write with. All characters should be masterful in a couple of things at most, or mediocre at many things at best. Character age, lore, and how these skills were acquired are all important factors. We prefer characters that are more toned down, especially if the character is young.- 3.6 ‘Dark’ themes does not mean exclusively sexual themes here. We are not a brothel themed roleplay free-company. Our plots never focus or include erotic roleplay themes. Members are free to write explicit material amongst themselves, but by ‘dark’ we do not mean erotic. Our plots include themes such as murder, gore, violence, and drug use, and or horror of all sorts of genres, all of which is discussed out of character. All members are allowed to engage in or avoid specific themes to their comfort level.- 3.7 Erotic roleplay (ERP) themes should be never written in the public eye. While we are a group of adults, and everyone is entitled to write their smut, we do not allow it to be written in public spaces either out there or in our free-company public areas. As mentioned before we have a reputation to uphold, and Final Fantasy XIV is a game rated for teens, so writing erotic themes in public spaces is against the game’s Terms of Service. Smut-themed roleplay must be taken to private rooms or to Discord.- 3.8 Running Events and Roleplay Etiquette. The Sleeping Sands runs company events in many different forms including social events, plot events for the cartel, training events, and more. You are welcome to all of them according to slot availability and availability in your personal schedule. These are not just run by moderators of the FC; you--members of The Sleeping Sands--are also allowed to run events once it is vetted by a moderator. With this said, it is the responsibility of the player themselves to seek out roleplay with others, take charge over their own stories, and dictate the progression of their own character be it through 1:1 roleplay or events.4. Retcons, rerolls, fantasias.
- 4.1 Retcons are not accepted, and fantasias are not IC. If you want to reroll (create an entirely new character) that is fine, but you must tell a mod and submit a new application. Every new character will need their own in-character roleplay introduction. We also expect a heads up for fantasias in-game, even if they are for out of character reasons or temporary, such as glamour disguise in-character.
- 4.2 Every new character takes time and effort from our staff, so if you are rerolling too frequently we will issue you a warning that any future rerolls will not be accepted into the free-company any longer. We encourage long-term characters, but ones you are happy to stick with and write a long time on. Alas, there is a limit to everything. We simply do not have endless resources for rerolls and long strings of alts.5. Activity.
- 5.1 We want this to be an active community and will purge members that go inactive. If you have gone 60 (sixty) days without logging in to the character, we will make an attempt to reach out to you and check in about if you are still interested in being a part of our community. Unless there are extenuating circumstances (which vary by case but include illness, death in the family or close circle, and other IRL complications), if you have not been active on that character for 30 (thirty) additional days, we will remove you from the free-company. If you are inactive for 90 (ninety) total days and we cannot reach you after 60 (sixty) day mark, we will remove you from the free-company. If you have extenuating circumstances, we will check in with you roughly every 60 (sixty) days. After 6 (six) months or 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, we will remove your character from the free-company. Any characters removed due to inactivity are more than welcome to re-apply to the free-company at a later date.
- 5.2 If you were removed for activity you are still welcome to apply again if/when things change and you are again interested in being active. However, if this happens too frequently, we retain the right to reject reapplying members. See rule 1.7 for details which may apply.

Further questions? Check out our FAQ below, maybe you'll find the answers you're looking for!

Drink Menu


Sold by the bottle
- 1547 Bacchus ━ 10,190 gil
Vintage. 1547 of the Sixth Astral Era. Robust, full-bodied.
- Lohmani Rosso ━ 3,099 gil
Single vintage. Debut from Shamani Lohmani of Wineport. Soft tannins, easy, earthy.
- Lohmani Red ━ 8,499 gil
Vintage. Full-bodied, earthy, fruity.
Sold by the bottle
- Lowland White ━ 2,999 gil
Non-vintage. Bold citrus flavor with hints of apple, pear, and cinnamon. Served chilled.
House Wines
Vinified in the cellars of the Clover. Sold by the glass
- Clover Red ━ 899 gil
Non-vintage. Easy, light.
- Clover White ━ 899 gil
Non-vintage. Sweet, ripe. Served chilled.
Sparkling Wines
Sold by the bottle
Realm Reborn Red ━ 3,499 gil
Special vintage. By master vintner Byrglaent of Wineport. For the annual celebration of Eorzea's rebirth and other festives.
Special Wines
Sold by the bottle
- Quicksand’s homemade honey wine ━ 5,499 gil
Local honey wine, brewed in the cellars of Ul'dah. Known for its rich, sweet flavor and its less-than-subtle kick. Made with fresh honey from plains of Black Brush.
- Gensui Wine ━ 7,999 gil
Imported Yanxian rice wine. Wine brewed in the Gensui Chain using locally sourced rice and spring water.
- Caelumtree Wine ━ 3,990 gil
Imported Dravanian wine, brewed by the Vath. Utilizes several rather unique ingredients, including the sweet juices of the caelumtree fruit. The resulting alcoholic beverage ensnares the senses with its full-bodied flavor and delightful aroma. Highly praised by the local Dravanians and Ishgardians.
DISCLAIMER: To be consumed in small quantities. Highly addictive, can cause withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, twitching, and shortening attention span.
- Warmwine ━ 3,990 gil
Heated in the warm springs beneath O'Ghomoro, this mulled wine is said to cure countless ailments. And those ailments it cannot cure, it will help one forget. Served heated and mulled with spices.
- Apple Wine ━ 1,799 gil
Non-vintage. An easy, refreshing apple wine. Slight sourness. Served chilled.
- Palm Wine ━ 5,299 gil
Sap of a palm tree fermented inside an island coconut shell.
DISCLAIMER: Far more potent than wine made from grapes, palm wine, if brewed for too long, can cause loss of eyesight or even death.

Beers, Ales & Meads

Sold by the pint
- Mun-Tuy Brew ━ 899 gil
Strong beer brewed from fermented Mun-Tuy beans of the Black Shroud. Rumored to inhibit fear, and raise a man's vigor. Aromas of sourleaf nectar, and rich in nutrients. The smell, however, leaves much for desiring.
- Treehollow Brew ━ 749 gil
Made by the lemurs of Treespeak. Pungent.
Sold by the pint
- Aleport Bitter ━ 685 gil
La Noscean brew from Aleport.
- Dark Stout ━ 699 gil
Lominsan brew.
- Blonde Barleywine ━ 760 gil
Lominsan brew.
Sold by the bottle
- Fullflower Mead ━ 849 gil
Aged honey liquor. A faint aroma of a bouquet of roses, and ochus. Served with a sprig of Galago Mint.
- Rosa’s Mead ━ 699 gil
Fullflower Mead, except made with maple sap instead of honey.
- O'Ghomorran Mead ━ 899 gil
La Noscean brew. Made with wildflower honey.
- Five-Year Grand ━ 1,499 gil
Aged, vintage brew.

Spirits & Specialty Drinks

Whiskeys & bourbons
Sold by the glass
- Blackbelly Whiskey ━ 1,299 gil
Lominsan distilled.
- Three-barrels Bourbon ━ 2,499 gil
Aged for an Epoch. Amber-colored, smoky, peaty.
Sold by the glass
- Ishgardian Brandy ━ 1,099 gil
As name suggests, Ishgardian distill. Well aged, very oaky. Strong, smoky. Served room temperature.
- Onyx Brandewine ━ 1,399 gil
A deep, caramel-colored spirit made from twice distilling fine red wine and then aging it in rosewood barrels for at least thirty summers.
- Cherry Brandewine ━ 1,999 gil
This particular brandewine has been aged in cherrywood barrels, giving it a sweet aroma and a deep amber hue.
Sold by the glass
- Radz-at-Han Reserve Rum ━ 1,290 gil
Hannish vintage rum.
- Pirate Grog ━ 999 gil
Distilled rum from Limsa Lominsa. Easy, but strong.
Sold by the bottle
- Spiced Cider ━ 1,199 gil
Piquant apple juice mulled with zested ginger and cloves, complete with a stick of cinnamon. Served heated.
- Crimson Cider ━ 1,999 gil
Official beverage of both the Ala Mhigan alliance and the Doman uprising, or so cider brewers would have you believe.
Sold by the glass
- Daniffen's Joy ━ 1,670 gil
A rare, expensive intoxicant made with the water from the Weeping Saint. Clear, with a strong alcoholic odor and strong flavor, and even stronger kick!
- Arak ━ 1,490 gil
Gyr Abanian, M tribe distilled. Fizzy, anise-flavored, unsweetened, transculent spirit.
- Firewater ━ 1,799 gil
Qiqirin vintage brew. Fermented sennight under the warm sun, and then aged for a year. With what? You might be better off not knowing. Brewed where? Also better off not knowing. Flavor varies by batch. Strong aroma and body.
- Stingbrew ━ 1,190 gil
Very potent. Made by fermenting hornet carcasses.
DISCLAIMER: Not recommended for those with allergies to bees, wasps, hornets, pollen.
- Cactus Piss ━ 1,399 gil
Thanalan desert brew by local aldgoat herders. Brewed from sabotender fruits. Very potent.
- Kumis ━ 2,199 gil
Imported Azim Steppe spirit. Made by fermenting mare's milk. Served cold, or chilled.

Alcohol Free Options

- Glass of cucumber lemon water ━ 499 gil
- Cup of filtered coffee ━ 250 gil
- Assortment of teas and juices ━ 199 gil

[ Please note that prices are IC only! ]
We do not expect nor take OOC gil transactions during roleplay scenes, as the prices are purely cosmetic.
The prices reflect the prices of a high-end club and depend on the availability of the alcohol in the lore.
Gil is based on the Japanese yen, not the dollar, so the exchange rate should be about 100 gil = $1 if that helps to calculate and understand the value of the goods mentioned above.


Interested in applying to us? Fantastic!From the below buttons, please choose the application form which fits your needs the best.Personal applications are meant for singular free-company memberships and personal affiliates. If you wish to apply for a free-company membership or personally have your character affiliate with Sands without pulling in any other free-companies, businesses, or other outside player characters in these plots, this is the application we wish for you to fill out.Free-company affiliations are meant for those who represent other free-companies that wish to affiliate with Sands in-character. Naturally, we expect only the leadership of these free-companies to be the ones to fill these out or we must consider the application null.

Frequently Asked Questions


18+ FC, but what's your age average?
Our age average falls somewhere around 25+, but we have members from both sides of that number. Most of our members are in their twenties, but we have plenty of people in their thirties and forties as well, so it's safe to say that our community is mature like a fine wine. No sour grapes here!
Do you have an FC dedicated Discord?
Yes, we do, and an active one at that! We are very community-oriented and thus hang out ooc a lot. We chat in our discord, and chill in voice channels, play different games, and watch movies together when we aren't actively roleplaying in FFXIV or hammering content there.
Can I join your FC Discord?
We'd like you to send us an application through our Carrd first!
This is so we can ensure that our community is a good fit for you. Because we are a very social community, our application process is not only a vetting process for your character, but also for you as a person. We strive for an inclusive community where everyone feels welcomed and safe. Please don't feel disheartened by that, we just want to make sure you're a good bean, to put with all our other good beans. We are a no stress, no drama FC and we would like to keep it that way!
What's your most active hours in-game?
The majority of our members are in the EST timezone, which means most of our social events and in-game RP focuses around this time zone. We have a voting system for RP events in place which ensures a majority vote for dates and times.
So, if I'm located elsewhere in the world, will it be impossible for me to catch anyone on during my active hours?
Not at all! Our community is multicultural. We have members from all over the world, from varying different time zones. From the far corners of arid Australia to the coldest points of Northern Europe, to tea sipping United Kingdom and coffee consuming South-America, and spread all around East, Central, West of Canada and the United States. There's almost always someone on at all times, and if not in-game, then up and about in our Discord.
How tolerant is the FC?
We are LGBTQ+ friendly and welcome characters and people from all walks of life. All races and ethnicities, sexualities, and gender identities, and religious backgrounds are welcome to us. Even if we don't necessarily personally identify with them, we keep an open mind, agree to disagree, and can hold mature conversations over even the most difficult topics respectfully. We tend to try and avoid religious and political debates. However, we do have a real life troubles chat just for that on our discord and we ask all members to keep controversial topics to that channel. For all grievances, we have a team of dedicated Admins who are happy to step in and help whenever they can.
Please note that we have a zero-tolerance policy for OOC drama, bigotry, and racial, sexual, or gender identity intolerance out of character. Respect for your fellow players is everything! We are adamant about keeping our FC & Discord a peaceful safe space.However, please be aware that being inclusive does not mean we encourage force-feeding of your personal views to others just because we tolerate them. We live in the 21st century, so let's keep it classy.


Sooo... by 'lore-strict' did you mean 'lore-loose?'
Nope. Not even a little bit. As a lore-abiding FC we are strict with following the established lore by the game's universe, and we never bend or break it in favor of building our narrative. We work with the lore, not against it. If you feel like you need to bend/break lore in order to make your character or its story interesting, then we don't think we are the company for you. The only things we excuse as non-lore are game mechanics, and they often go ignored or explained other way that makes sense within the universe.
What themes do the events usually entail?
We have at least three different staff members running the show usually, and then sometimes members who have their own FC plots through and approved by the staff. A little everything for everyone tends to be our case, but the most common themes and genres tend to be as follows; criminal, mature, dark, horror, social/slice-of-life. Our themes vary from exciting combat to stealth and puzzle missions, and then to different types of social gatherings.
Do you use dice?
Yes, especially in most combat scenes, just to keep things fair. Freeform is rare, but our members who trust each other tend to practice it sometimes outside of events. For more complex plots we usually have some very basic forms of stat modifiers in place, and our event writers like to experiment with different things -- they also always make sure to explain how each event stat modifiers work at the beginning, as they tend to be tailored separately for different events.
This means, if you join us please be aware that we will insist that you are comfortable with RNG and the sometimes merciless hand of the dice Gods. We do not accept players who refuse to use dice in roleplay, specifically for combat orientated events.What's your stance with fantasy and realism in roleplay?
We do enjoy the FFXIV lore a lot, but we like to keep things as realistic as possible within the setting. This means staying within the bounds of the established lore at all times. And while we do love the fantasy aspects, we'd like to keep characters at least relatable to a degree and that they feel like people. 'Make it make sense' tends to be our approach to most things.
Uh... So I'm running from an FC with weird harem dynamics, are you guys like that too?
What? We can't believe how many times we've heard this oddly specific question. The answer is no! Our writing focus is not in romance and/or smut, and we don't have a strange harem or reverse harem stuff going on that involves the whole FC and is trying to force you to be part of it. What the players do with their private plots is up to them, and we don't judge anyone's polyamory lifestyle in or out of character, but we can assure you, our plots will never revolve around such themes. To us, roleplaying can be so much more than romantic or erotic writing!


Can I just bypass the application process?
No, not even just this once. The application is part of our vetting process, and if you do not have it in you to fill it out, we are going to assume you do not have it in you to write with us longterm, either. Roleplaying is supposed to be fun but also requires the will to work a little. So if you can't find it in yourself to fill out the application, we don't think we're the FC for you.
Can I run my character concept through the recruiter before I even bother applying?
Unfortunately not. Please note that our recruiter is not the person who gets to make the final decision on your admittance. All character applications are looked through by the whole officer team. We will get back to you with anything we need to discuss and once your application has gone through the processing stage all your questions will be answered in full! Thank you for understanding.
Why don't you accept futas?
Futanari is a fetish term, and we aren't ERP/smut focused community. We like realism in our writing, and while the game does have fantasy terms, we view characters like futanari offensive to intersex people. This includes outdated terms and understandings such as hermaphrodite. And no, we aren't going to argue our stance about it with you. We accept intersex characters who are written with the respect they deserve, and not fetishized. Please be mindful, and do the appropriate research if you are writing an intersex character.
And no, potions that grow different genitalia, etc. aren't supported in our community.If you write a fetish character, even discreetly such as futanari/hermaphrodite, we aren't the FC for you. We encourage you to apply to communities that accept such characters and hold similar values with you.


Appetizers to appetize.
- Tree Toad Legs ━ 1,650 gil
A generous portion of battered and fried tree toad legs served with a side of snails. Recommended for two people.
- Parsnip Salad ━ 2,200 gil
A salad made with fried parsnip slices and garnished with a drizzle of fragrant olive oil. The alpine parsnip is Coerthan imported.
- Meat Miq'abobs ━ 3,100 gil
A traditional Keeper of the Moon dish consisting of tender dodo meat and ripe ruby tomatoes on a stick, roasted to perfection. Comes with two sticks per serving.
- Forest Miq'abob ━ 3,000 gil
A traditional Keeper of the Moon dish consisting of freshly picked mushrooms on a stick, roasted to perfection. Comes with two sticks per serving.
- Mustard Eggs ━ 1,870 gil
A complex dish consisting of a boiled egg covered in mustard. This serving contains two eggs.
- Tomato Pie ━ 2,090 gil
Considered a delicacy in Gridania, this pie is arranged with sliced tomatoes, giving it the appearance of a flower garden. Comes with one slice per serving with a side of tangy tomato sauce.

[ Please note that prices are IC only! ]
We do not expect nor take OOC gil transactions during roleplay scenes, as the prices are purely cosmetic.
The prices reflect the prices of a high-end club and depend on the availability of the alcohol in the lore.
Gil is based on the Japanese yen, not the dollar, so the exchange rate should be about 100 gil = $1 if that helps to calculate and understand the value of the goods mentioned above.


Small servings to accompany your main course of choice.
- Peppered Popotoes ━ 1,320 gil
A pleasing plate of popotoes peppered and prepared to perfection, playing pleasurably on the palate.
- Mashed Popotoes ━ 1,210 gil
Boiled popotoes, mashed into a smooth, creamy paste. This dish, originating in the New World, is best with a generous dollop of salty butter.
- Cheese Risotto ━ 1,650 gil
Sticky rice doused in a rich cheese sauce and simmered over low heat until it reaches just the right consistency.
- Alligator Salad ━ 1,100 gil
A simple salad made from slices of alligator pear tossed in dark vinegar.
- Walnut Bread ━ 885 gil
A soft white bread filled with fragrant walnuts. Served sliced in a small basket with a dollop of salted butter. Serves two people.

[ Please note that prices are IC only! ]
We do not expect nor take OOC gil transactions during roleplay scenes, as the prices are purely cosmetic.
The prices reflect the prices of a high-end club and depend on the availability of the alcohol in the lore.
Gil is based on the Japanese yen, not the dollar, so the exchange rate should be about 100 gil = $1 if that helps to calculate and understand the value of the goods mentioned above.

Main Course

The main star of your dinner, and its stage is your plate.Fish & Seafood
Fresh local catch, and some icebox imports from the Black Shroud.
- Braised Pipira ━ 5,500 gil
A fresh pipira braised with creamy butter and chanterelle mushrooms.
- Salmon Meuniere ━ 5,280 gil
A traditional Keeper of the Moon dish consisting of a thick fillet of salmon breaded with flour and fried in rich butter and savory spices.
- Seafood Stew ━ 5,060 gil
A simple stew made from available seafood boiled with tomatoes and spices. Prepared from local catches of the season. Inquire about this sun's catch from the staff, or treat yourself a savory surprise!
Poultries & Reptiles
Lighter and leaner meats. Fresh catches and purchased from family ran butchers, and some icebox imports from the Black Shroud.
- Chicken and Mushrooms ━ 4,950 gil
Simple, home-cooked fare consisting of chicken sautéed with gil buns.
- Raptor Stew ━ 5,170 gil
A tender piece of lean raptor shank stewed with mushrooms. The recipe is fashioned after the famous one prepared in the Carline Canopy.
Beefs, Porks, Muttons & Game
Selection of dishes starring with red meats. Fresh catches and purchased from family ran butchers and some icebox imports from the Black Shroud. All Aldgoat meats come from local free-range herders!
- Mutton Stew ━ 5,720 gil
A hearty stew made from lean mutton loin and a selection of freshly picked vegetables.
- Antelope Stew ━ 5,610 gil
A thick, flavorful soup made by simmering a variety of wild vegetables and antelope meat over low heat for several hours.
- Shepherd's Pie ━ 5,390 gil
Pulled antelope shank covered with mashed popotoes and baked in a golden, buttery pie crust.
- Aldgoat Steak ━ 6,601 gil
A traditional dish of the Highland Hyur consisting of a thick cut of aldgoat chuck charred over an open flame. Served with the vegetables of the season native to the Black Shroud.
- Spaghetti Carbonara ━ 5,060 gil
Tender wheat noodles slathered in a rich sauce made from egg yolks and pungent cheese and mixed with smoked bacon bits.
Light and fresh, meat-free dishes prepared in Black Shroud style.
- Chanterelle Saute ━ 3,410 gil
Wild chanterelles sautéed in butter.
- Lentils and Chestnuts ━ 3,300 gil
A stew consisting of Lalafellin lentils and Gridanian chestnuts boiled in sour red wine.
- Pea Soup ━ 2,970 gil
An emerald green soup made from mashed jade peas.
- Ratatouille ━ 3,520 gil
A nutritious soup made from a variety of vegetables sautéed in lavender oil.
- Wildwood Scrambled Eggs ━ 3,080 gil
Fragrant mushrooms sautéed in a generous pat of creamery butter and served upon a bed of fluffy eggs, scrambled to perfection.
- Rabbit Pie ━ 3,320 gil
A traditional pastry dish of the Wildwood Elezen formed to resemble a rabbit, but not necessarily containing any meat of leporine origin. Clover's Rabbit Pie is vegetarian-friendly.

[ Please note that prices are IC only! ]
We do not expect nor take OOC gil transactions during roleplay scenes, as the prices are purely cosmetic.
The prices reflect the prices of a high-end club and depend on the availability of the alcohol in the lore.
Gil is based on the Japanese yen, not the dollar, so the exchange rate should be about 100 gil = $1 if that helps to calculate and understand the value of the goods mentioned above.


Always room left for something sweet, surely.Warm Dessert Beverages
Drinks which go perfectly with a pastry or confectionary of your choice!
- Triple Cream Coffee ━ 800 gil
Freshly roasted ground coffee beans percolated to perfection and mixed with an equal amount of thick dairy cream. Served by the cup.
- Chamomile Tea ━ 880 gil
A delicately fragranced infusion brewed from tiny yellow chamomile flowers. Served in a teapot, recommended for at least two people. Request the number of cups and saucers needed.
- Mulled Tea ━ 900 gil
A pungent infusion brewed from several exotic spices and herbs. Enjoyed in the sultanate of Ul'dah. Served in a teapot, recommended for at least two people. Request the number of cups and saucers needed.
- Doman Tea ━ 910 gil
An after-supper beverage naturally sweetened with dried persimmons. Widely popular in the Far East. Served in a teapot, recommended for at least two people. Request the number of cups and saucers needed.
- Rooibos Tea ━ 900 gil
A healthful herbal tea known for its natural mellow sweetness. Served in a teapot, recommended for at least two people. Request the number of cups and saucers needed.
- Hot Chocolate ━ 11,070 gil
A sweet beverage commonly drunk in the Holy See, but rarely seen in Foundation due to inability of most of Ishgard's poorer residents to procure the relatively rare and expensive ingredients. Served by the cup with freshly whipped cream and dash of kukuru powder on top.
Freshly baked this sun!
- Apple Tart ━ 1,100 gil
A round pastry filled with sweet faerie apples and fragrant spices. Served with a side of fresh whipped vanilla cream and a dash of cinnamon and sugar on top.
- Honey Muffin ━ 1,210 gil
A traditional Midlander cake made with a generous portion of honey. Comes with a honey drizzle and a dash of fine sugar on top.
- Ginger Cookies ━ 1,430 gil
A sweet and spicy cookie cut into the shape of a legendary black mage said to have recovered magic by eating the crispy treats. Comes with three cookies per serving.
- Blood Currant Tart ━ 1,100 gil
A sweet and sour pastry made with a generous portion of blood currants.
- Popoto Pancakes ━ 1,210 gil
A pancake dish made of ground Dalamud popotoes, served with puréed mirror apples.
All our chocolates are prepared from a family own Limsa Lominsan farm that grows entirely pesticide-free kukuru beans.
- Bubble Chocolates ━ 880 gil
Three luscious bonbons made from dark chocolate infused with lighter-than-air bubbles.
- Pearl Chocolates ━ 660 gil
Three rich bonbons made from sweet white chocolate infused with heavier-than-air bubbles. Kukuru powder free.
- Spriggan Chocolate ━ 990 gil
For those preferring a little less sweet. A small piece of bitter dark chocolate molded into the shape of a spriggan. Pairs perfectly with a cup of coffee.
- Consecrated Chocolate ━ 1,100 gil
White chocolate that is sweet as love. This heart chocolate has been blessed by an ordained sister of the Temple of Menphina. Kukuru powder free.
- Rainbow Drops ━ 880 gil
A small bowl of hard oval-shaped candies in various different fruit flavors. Handcrafted in the Gilded Clover.
- Marron Glace ━ 1,320 gil
Chestnuts peeled and soaked in honey for several moons until the entire fruit is permeated with sweetness.

[ Please note that prices are IC only! ]
We do not expect nor take OOC gil transactions during roleplay scenes, as the prices are purely cosmetic.
The prices reflect the prices of a high-end club and depend on the availability of the alcohol in the lore.
Gil is based on the Japanese yen, not the dollar, so the exchange rate should be about 100 gil = $1 if that helps to calculate and understand the value of the goods mentioned above.

Cocktails, Mocktails & Shots


Clover Specials
Recipes crafted by the the Gilded Clover
- Gilded Clover ━ 1,969 gil
Our signature drink; an elegant blend of simple ingredients topped with real edible gold for a touch of glitz and glam. A little sweet, a little sour, and just enough whiskey to put you in a good mood.
Blackbelly Whiskey, pineapple juice, honey lemon, lime, honey, edible gold confetti, crushed ice. Shaken, served in a balloon wine glass.- Fire Side Sit ━ 1,860 gil
Ready and waiting for you to stretch out and warm up, this heated elixir is a heavily spiced, spiked cider with a complex taste that blends together nicely in your mouth and stomach. Try not to fall asleep before you finish!
Spiced Cider, Oschon Roselle, sliced Faerie apples, ginger, sage, thyme, cinnamon stick. Stirred, served warm with a cinnamon and sugar rimming in an elegant glass mug.- Rolanberries & Cream ━ 1,749 gil
A creamy drink that is perfect for those with a more delicate palate. Berries plucked at the peak of ripeness and blended with rum and coconut cream. So sweet and gentle, you almost don't notice the alcohol.
Radz-at-Han Reserve Rum, sliced and diced Rolanberries, Rolanberry syrup, coconut cream, ice cubes. Shaken, served in a chilled lowball glass and layered in red and white, the coconut cream on top for a beautiful presentation. The bartender recommends to mix it with your straw before drinking.- Bloodbath ━ 2,080 gil
The blood in this cocktail comes from the blood orange used for garnish. So smooth and sweet, but with a dark side that will leave you begging for more...
House Red Wine, Blackbelly Whiskey, Effervescent Water, sugar syrup, blood orange slice. Stirred, served in a chilled fizzio glass without ice.- Dusk Silk ━ 2,410 gil
A rich cocktail of chocolate and cream, sure to delight despite its simplicity.
Daniffen’s Joy, chocolate ganache, fresh cream and chocolate melt, softened white chocolate. Stirred, served chilled in a martini glass without ice.- Love Potion ━ 2,359 gil
A love story of fruit and alcohol ready to penetrate your senses or that of your lover. Breathe deep the mist that wafts up from this potion and swallow hard at its ruby color before finding just the right words to entice your partner thereafter.
Pomegranate juice, Rolanberry syrup, Snurbleberry syrup, Daniffen's Joy, one cube of dry ice for the bubbling mist effect. Shaken, served chilled in a coupe glass.DISCLAIMER: The Gilded Clover recommends extreme caution with the dry ice; the drink is safe to consume, but for your health, we want to stress it the cube is not safe to consume directly or to touch. The dry ice effect should last only a few minutes before the cube should be completely vaporized if you want to play it safe. The drink is completely reasonable to request also without the dry ice.- Bubble Bath ━ 1,949 gil
As flowery and relaxing as your private bath at home yet far tastier when you swallow it. Enjoy a soothing yet bubbly refreshment featuring imported Steppe Candyfruit and Daniffen’s Joy.
Lavender extract, Dream Flower seed extract, Daniffen’s Joy, Steppe Candyfruit syrup, Rose syrup, Effervescent Water, egg white, ice cubes. Dry shaken once and then shaken again with ice. Served in a fizzio glass.- Umbral Moon ━ 1,649 gil
A herbal drink for calming your nerves after a stressful day. Elegant, fragrant, and refreshing. Sure to bring you a moment of tranquility. Best enjoyed with smooth, live jazz music.
Chilled water, Daniffen's Joy, sugar, honey, lavender extract, lemon slice, dried lavender sprig, ice cubes. Shaken, served in a lowball glass.- Giggle Juice ━ 1,940 gil
Sure to have you snickering, this refreshing cocktail uses watermelon and sparkling water. But don’t let the light taste fool you, it’s a practical joker when it comes to liquor content!
Cactus Piss, Realm Reborn Red, watermelon juice, fresh mint leaves, lime juice, lime slices, lime zest, egg white, crushed ice. Dry shaken once, and then shaken again with ice. Served in a lowball glass.- Menphina's Tears ━ 1,689 gil
Inspired by the M tribe distilled Arak from Gyr Abania, this anise-flavored drink meets the Shroud's native herbs, berries, and the forest's natural spring water, marrying together under the Twelve's gaze into a refreshing, yet exotic concoction, sure to wash off any desert dust from your throat.
Arak, blood currant syrup, sugar, Spring Water, thyme sprig, blood currants in a cocktail stick, ice cubes. Stirred, served in a highball glass.- Spriggan Spritz ━ 1,939 gil
A drink named after the common soulkin seen around the Black Shroud, due to the drink's color reminding that of the gem the Spriggans carry. Beautiful with a layered pink fade to light purple and creamy top, this drink is sure to leave you smiling just as wide as the Spriggans!
Effervescent Water, Lowland White, Snurbleberry extract, white vermouth, blackberry juice, cream liquor float, ice cubes. Gently stirred, layered for a color effect, served in a highball glass.


Clover Specials
The club shooters, recipes both by the Clover and picked up all across the star
- Sloppy Toppy ━ 1,380 gil
This Radz-at-Hanz coffee shot is smooth and creamy and best swallowed up from its short glass without the use of your hands; either by using the desk or between your knees. Try not to make a mess!
Raz-at-Hanz Reserve Rum, coffee syrup, vanilla extract, sugar syrup, whipped cream. Served layered in a shot glass.- Umbral Ice ━ 1,299 gil
The desert heat get you? The Thaumaturges Guild is refusing to give you your own personal cooling blizzard? Not to worry, the Clover's got you! Cool down with the Umbral Ice shooter, sure to chill you to the bone, and cold enough to make you wince with a brain freeze! Guaranteed to get you through another Thanalan heatwave! Well, at least for the next quarter bell.
Chilled Daniffen's Joy, mint extract, served in a frozen shot glass.


Clover Specials
Recipes crafted by the Gilded Clover
- Dawn Quencher ━ 1,639 gil
A refreshing drink to keep you going until the dawn. Sweet, sour, refreshing, and fizzy! All at the same time! Sure to leave your taste buds confused about what they are experiencing, and yet wanting more of it.
Pear juice, sugar syrup, fresh mint leaves, lime wedges, effervescent water, crushed ice. Stirred, served in a highball glass.

[ Please note that prices are IC only! ]
We do not expect nor take OOC gil transactions during roleplay scenes, as the prices are purely cosmetic.
The prices reflect the prices of a high-end club and depend on the availability of the alcohol in the lore.
Gil is based on the Japanese yen, not the dollar, so the exchange rate should be about 100 gil = $1 if that helps to calculate and understand the value of the goods mentioned above.

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